Presto Player Test Lesson for Support
This page created for testing different approaches to using Presto Player with captions.
Comments updated based on enabling Dynamic Javascript Loading.
1. Presto Vimeo Video Block
Video and captions hosted on Vimeo Pro plan. Standard private video URL.
[Captions behave as expected in all browsers and devices tested]
2. Presto Video Block
Video and captions hosted on Vimeo Pro plan. HTTP Live Streaming URL.
[Firefox on PC: Captions display double when enabled, and cannot be disabled. Chrome: Behaves as expected. iPad: As expected. iPhone: Captions do not display]
3. Presto Video Block
Video and captions hosted on Vimeo Pro plan. Captions also added via Presto Video block. HTTP Live Streaming URL.
[Firefox: Captions appear double, with both Spanish and English showing simultaneous depending on option chosen. Chrome: Captions added via block behave as expected. iPad: Some captions work. iPhone: No captions display]
4. Presto Private Video Block
Video added via WordPress through to stream. Captions added via block.
[Firefox: Captions behaves as expected. iPad: Only one language appears correctly, seems unable to switch between two languages. iPhone: Captions do not display.]
5. Presto Private Video Block
Video added via WordPress through to stream. Captions added on side.
[Captions and setting options do NOT display in browser or in full screen in IOS.]
6. Presto Video Block
Direct Play URL from stream. Video and captions added on side.
[Player does not display. Just black rectangle where player should be] [Same for IOS]
7. Presto Video Block
HLS URL from stream. Video added on side. Captions added via block.
[Firefox, Chrome, iPad: Captions behave as expected. iPhone: Captions do not display.]
8. Presto Vimeo Video Block
HLS URL from Vimeo. No captions on Vimeo hosting side.
[Player does not display. Just black rectangle where player should be]
9. Presto Video Block
HLS URL from Vimeo. No captions on Vimeo hosting side. Captions added via block. Set to private in Vimeo, but not set to private in block.
[Firefox, Chrome, iPad: Captions display. iPhone: Captions do not display.]