Toyota Production System Theory
Thank you for choosing to join the Shinka Management team in Japan for the Lean Japan Tour.
We have a packed schedule for the up-coming tour program. In order to free up time to experience the most during our week together, we have elected to deliver part of the classroom theory via recordings to be consumed prior to commencement of the program.
The following introductory topics are covered in the recordings here:
- TPS History & Philosophy
- TPS Basic Thinking
- 5S
- 7 Wastes
The remaining topics will be covered during our classroom sessions with Sensei:
- Just-In-Time Production
- Kanban
- Logistics
- Jidoka
- Poka-Yoke
- Efficient Work
- Standard Work
A textbook covering all content is included in the Lean Japan Tour compendium, provided during our Sunday afternoon briefing in Tokyo.